Shanghai goyic pharmaceutical &chemical co.,ltd.
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Shanghai Goyic Pharmaceutical &Chemical Co.,Ltd. is a leading professional high-tech company specialize in manufacturing, custom synthesis and contract manufacturing services to pharmaceutical ingredients, pharmaceutical intermediates, unnatural amino acids, fluorinated fine chemicals and other fine organic chemicals.

Main product:
Vemurafenib锛孖ndacaterol锛孡urasidone锛孋abozantinib锛孴ivozanib锛孍doxaban锛孴icagrelor inter. Isomers锛孉BT-199 intermediate
Tigecycline 99.9% GMP or 99.8%锛孉biraterone acetate 99.5%锛孌aunorubicin Hydrochloride 98.9% 锛孏alanthamine hydrobromide 99.7%锛孍palrestat, 99.5% 锛孋eritinib锛孫xiracetam 99.7%锛孭urine & derivatives

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