供应 磺化栲胶 /26062-79-3 |
规 格: |
25千克 |
价 格: |
4876/元/吨 |
数 量: |
10000 吨 |
交货地: |
河南濮阳 |
发布时间: |
2019-12-17 |
有效期: |
0天 |
备 注: |
天然淀粉经过适当化学处理,引入某些化学基团使分子结构及理化性质发生变化,生成淀粉衍生物。淀粉是一种多糖类物质。未改性的淀粉结构通常有两种:直链淀粉和支链淀粉,是聚合的多糖类物质。通常因为水溶性差,故往往是采用改性淀粉,即水溶性淀粉。 可溶性淀粉是经不同方法处理得到的一类改性淀粉衍生物,不溶于冷水、乙醇和,溶于或分散于沸水中,形成胶体溶液或乳状液体。羟丙基变性淀粉是环氧丙烷在碱性条件下与淀粉起醚化反应而制得的一类非离子型变性淀粉。由于醚化淀粉取代醚键的稳定性高,羟丙基具有亲水性,能减弱淀粉颗粒结构的内部氢键强度,使其易于膨胀,糊化容易,糊液透明,流动性好,凝沉性弱,稳定性高。在许多食品中都添加淀粉或食用胶作为增稠剂、胶凝剂、粘结剂或稳定剂等,随着食品科学技术的不断发展,食品加工工艺有很大的改变,对淀粉性质的要求越来越高。例如:采用高温加热杀菌、激烈的机械搅拌、酸性食品,特别是处于加热条件下或低温冷冻等,都会使淀粉粘度降低和胶体性被破坏。天然淀粉不能适应这些工艺条件,而各种植物胶虽具有较好的性能但价格昂贵,有的还依赖进口。为了满足一些特殊食品的加工产品的要求,通过选择淀粉的类型或改性方法可以得到满足各种特殊用途需要的淀粉制品。这些制品可以代替昂贵的原料,降低食品制造的成本,提高经济效益。 应用改性淀粉在制革中的应用1氧化淀粉 用氧化剂将淀粉氧化可以得到氧化淀粉。常用碱性次氯酸盐,在氧化过程中,分子链断裂得到羧基和羰基官能团。这些基团阻止了直链淀粉的缔合作用。因此和普通的淀粉相比起来氧化淀粉颜色都比较浅,黏度比较低,更容易储存。 Celade等人提出了一种无铬鞣的新方法。即氧化淀粉预鞣,钛盐鞣制,中和,复鞣,染色,涂饰。结果表明:用有选择性的氧化淀粉预鞣皮,可增强Ti和胶原的交互作用,成革手感好。 2双醛淀粉 双醛淀粉也是一种氧化物。通常使用高碘酸作为氧化剂。在氧化过程中,产生很少的游离醛基。双醛淀粉的主要结构是水合半醛醇和分子内及分子间的半缩醛,它能作为含醛物料进行反应。作为多醛聚合物,双醛淀粉能与胶原的氨基和亚氨基起交联反应,为良好的鞣革剂,鞣革作用与氧化程度有关,双醛含量90%以上效果好,可使鞣制时间大大缩短,而且具有色浅质软和耐水洗等优点。 在植鞣物质的提取过程中,淀粉可能作为一种副产物存在。Torr认为淀粉的存在对植鞣不利,减弱鞣制后皮的特性。并还研究了分离淀粉的方法,L.delPezzo改进了用分光光度法分析鞣液中双醛淀粉的方法。A.Simoncini的研究表明: (1)双醛淀粉可以作为铬鞣液的蒙囿剂,并且可以增加铬鞣剂的耐碱能力,被羰基化的双醛淀粉由于高度电离而具有更强的蒙囿作用;(2)双醛淀粉上的羰基,半缩醛能与铬作用,同时,双醛淀粉的分解产物能与铬产生进一步的交联。 双醛能作为鞣剂用于轻革和底革的制作,在使用过程中能减少其它鞣剂的用量并缩短鞣制时间。用96%氧化度的双醛淀粉在pH=10的条件下鞣制,加油后可得到较为满意的皮革,双醛淀粉可以进行回收利用,回收的双醛淀粉用于底革的预鞣,可以改进鞣制速率和革的特性。用双醛淀粉作白湿皮,单独使用可得到令人满意的效果。在双醛淀粉与胶原的反应中,胶原的碱性基团和氨基是主要的反应基团。 3接枝淀粉 接枝淀粉是一种被广泛应用的新型材料。其结构是以亲水的、半刚性链为主链,以乙烯聚合物为支链。通常所使用的单体有丙烯酸、丙稀腈、丙稀酰胺等。可以通过自由基聚合的方法得到接枝淀粉,也可以通过Hoffman反应或水解反应来实现接枝反应。 3.1接枝淀粉涂饰剂 接枝淀粉能用来做涂饰剂。羧甲基钠淀粉用于涂饰,能够改善成革的透气性。聚氨基甲酸酯等与淀粉接枝共聚可得到不同的产品,这些产品用于合成革的涂饰时,能改善革的柔软性、透水汽性、手感、物理机械性能等。 3.2接枝淀粉(预、复)鞣剂 近年来,根据皮革鞣制机理及淀粉结构特点,国内外的研究者开发研制了许多具有一定绿色意义的接枝淀粉鞣剂,并取得了一定的效果。吕生华等人用不同的方法降解淀粉,再与乙烯基类单体或丙烯酸(AA)、丙烯腈(AN)或丙烯酰胺(AM)等单体进行接枝聚合制得改性淀粉复鞣剂DF-Ⅱ、改性淀粉鞣剂等系列产品。这些复鞣剂具有选择填充性好,对加脂剂及染料吸收干净,成品革丰满、柔软、肉面或绒面纤维分散好且有丝光效应等特点。所得到的改性淀粉鞣剂,在铬鞣时用其预鞣,比传统铬鞣法可减少铬鞣剂用量30%~50%,铬鞣废液中Cr2O3含量降低到0.26g/L。用其预鞣或复鞣所得成革,选择填充性显著,丰满、柔软、粒面细腻、有弹性。氧化淀粉与乙烯基类单体接枝共聚,所得产物应用于皮革复鞣效果很好。乳液共聚接枝改性淀粉复鞣剂,对铬鞣绵羊革进行复鞣,所得的坯革性能良好,与其它类型复鞣剂配伍应用时,用降解的淀粉和丙稀酰胺-丙烯酸丁酯共聚物,通过羟基和氨基之间的Hoffman反应也可以制备接枝淀粉,所得的接枝淀粉用于服装革的复鞣效果好,并有利于染色。 3.3接枝淀粉水处理剂 采用这种新型的复合型絮凝剂F-1进行制革工业废水处理试验,对其絮凝效果及影响因素进行了研究,并探讨了絮凝动力学。试验结果表明,F-1适用的温度和pH值范围宽,絮凝效果好,明显优于聚合氯化铝(PAC)、聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)、(聚合硫酸铁)四种常用的絮凝剂。将可溶性淀粉与丙烯酸聚合,制得的淀粉接枝丙烯酸,对重金属离子Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附容量可达到42.23mg/g,Cr(Ⅵ)去除率可达71.11%。将丙烯腈单体接枝到交联淀粉上,再经过皂化制得的水不溶性接枝羧基淀粉聚合物,可去除体系中Cr3+,去除率可达97.5%。用淀粉接枝聚丙烯酰胺,经胺甲基化、磺化和季胺化反应制得强阳离子型两性絮凝剂。WuChungChan等研制出的两性淀粉吸附剂可有效地去除重金属离子、CrO42-和2-氯酚。以马铃薯淀粉为原料,经苛化后,与丙稀酰胺接枝聚合,再引入叔胺基而制备絮凝剂,对制糖及制革厂废水具有良好的絮凝作用。 4淀粉黄原酸酯将天然淀粉采用乙酰化交联、酯化交联或醚化交联,再进行黄原酸化就可得到不溶淀粉黄原酸酯(ISX),主要用于处理金属废水。美国早在1975年就以淀粉为原料制成不溶性淀粉黄原酸酯,并于1980年开始工业化生产。ISX不仅能脱除多种重金属离子,而且在酸性条件下还能将Cr6+还原为Cr3+。不溶性淀粉黄原酸钠镁能与铬、钴、锰、镍、锌和其它重金属离子生成配合物而沉淀,钠、镁离子则进入水中,可将其用于工业废水处理,除去重金属离子。刘有才[40]对淀粉黄原酸酯(ISX)的合成进行了研究,制备了一系列的淀粉黄原酸酯产品DX-1、DX-2、DX-3、DX-4,并用这些产品处理Cu2+、Zn2+、Ni2+、Cr3+等重金属废水,结果表明,脱除率大于99%,残余浓度小于0.1mg/L,低于排放标准,残渣稳定,不会引起二次污染。并探讨了DX-4对制革厂废水的处理,选用适当药剂配比、pH值和反应时间,Cr3+的残余浓度低于0.06mg/L,脱除率高达99.55%。 5其它 淀粉是一种性能良好的填充剂,在制革生产上曾有过应用。但易发霉,经适当改性且提高其稳定性后,可用于皮革的填充,所得成革柔软、丰满。作面龟裂。将阴离子加脂剂、糖浆或葡萄糖、脂肪醇和氨水按一定比例混合,可用于填充和加脂。可以改善成革的特性,增加成革的面积。用带有羟基的脂肪族化合物可以减弱胶原纤维之间的相互作用,从而改进成革的柔软性。淀粉和葡萄糖是带有羟基的化合物,对其适当的改性,对皮革有明显的软化作用。降解的淀粉可以用来制作合成鞣剂。李慧珠成功地从玉米芯水解副产物木糖醇中得到一种多羟基合成鞣剂。该合成鞣剂是木糖醇母液与含羰基的交联剂缩合得到的产物。它对毛皮的鞣制效果很好,也可以用于猪皮制革,分子中的羟基和羟甲基能和胶原肽链结合,产生鞣制效果。 阴离子淀粉是一种用来制造白湿革的材料。它是一种多羟基聚合物,有利于Cr3+和胶原之间的结合。同时由于分子中带有负电荷,在阴离子淀粉和胶原之间,或者和另一些带正电荷的鞣剂之间会发生电价键结合。魏世林等人用阴离子淀粉制造白湿革,结果表明,阴离子淀粉和铝或甲醛的混合物可以得到较为理想的白湿革,白湿革的收缩温度可以达到80℃,成革革身丰满。 改性淀粉做新型絮凝剂具有无毒、原料来源广、价格低易于生物降解等优点,近年来得到重视与应用。以过硫酸铵为引发剂,通过接枝工聚反映,在淀粉骨架上引入聚丙烯酰胺,制得新型絮凝剂。合成条件:过硫酸铵1.2g,丙烯酰胺(am)与淀粉(st)配比4∶1(质量比),反应温度70℃,反应时间4h。 改性淀粉在矿物加工中应用氧化矿反浮选中作抑制剂,铜钼分离中作为黄铜矿的抑制剂,以及一些非金属矿石浮选中充当抑制剂已大规模地得到应用。 此外,淀粉还可以用做絮凝剂,在铁矿石絮凝脱泥时,有用淀粉做为铁矿石选择性絮凝剂的。有人做了在低硅酸盐含量时加人淀粉,有助于针铁矿的絮凝;玉米淀粉和木薯淀粉可作为阿巴贾铁矿石的选择性絮凝剂来使用,精矿品位和回收率都报高。该技术在近年来已经开始用于细粒铁矿物和细泥的富集。 在油田化学品中的应用除了提高改性淀粉的抗温性能以作钻井液处理剂外,还应注重多性能淀粉油田化学品研究,开发淀粉化学品在驱油剂、破乳剂、降粘剂、堵水剂、解堵剂、水泥浆处理剂等油田生产各领域的应用。 改性淀粉在造纸中的地位改性淀粉目前已是造纸工业的重要化学品.我国造纸业直到八十年代初才开始批量采用淀粉添加剂,二十多年来,造纸用淀粉的数量虽然逐年增加很快。
Natural starch after appropriate chemical treatment, the introduction of certain chemical groups make the molecular structure and physicochemical properties change, generation of starch derivatives. Starch is a kind of polysaccharide. The unmodified starch structure usually has two kinds: amylose and amylopectin, was a polysaccharide polymerization. Usually because of poor water solubility, so it is often used in modified starch, water soluble starch. Soluble starch is a kind of by different methods to obtain modified starch derivative, insoluble in cold water, ethanol and, dissolved or dispersed in the boiling water, the formation of colloid solution or emulsion liquid. Hydroxypropyl starch is propylene oxide in alkaline conditions and etherification of starch has a class of nonionic starch prepared. Because the stability of ether bonds etherified starch substituted hydroxypropyl high, having a hydrophilic, can weaken the internal bond strength of starch granule structure, which makes it easy to expand, gelatinization easier, paste liquid and transparent, good fluidity, weak retrogradation, high stability. In many foods are fortified with starch or edible gum as the thickening agent, gelling agent, binder or stabilizer and so on, with the development of food science and technology, food processing technology has great changes on the properties of starch, the increasingly high demand. For example: using high temperature heating sterilization, intense mechanical stirring, acidic food, especially in the heating conditions or frozen, will make the starch viscosity reducing and colloid was destroyed. Natural starch can not meet the technical conditions, and a variety of plant gum has better performance but expensive, some still rely on imports. In order to meet the processing products of some special food requirements, through the selection of starch type or modified method can satisfy various needs for special purposes of starch products. These products can replace the expensive raw materials, reduce food manufacturing cost, improve economic benefits. Application of modified starch in leather making using 1 oxidized starch with an oxidizing agent can be oxidized starch oxidized starch. Commonly used alkaline hypochlorite, during oxidation, molecular chain fracture obtained carbonyl and carboxyl functional groups. These groups to stop associating amylose. Therefore and ordinary starch compared with oxidized starch colors are relatively shallow, low viscosity, easier to store. Celade et al. Proposed a new method of chrome free tanning. That is, the oxidized starch pretanning, titanium salt tanning, retanning, neutralization, dyeing, finishing. The results show that: with the oxidized starch pre tanning selective, can enhance the interaction of Ti and collagen, leather feel good. 2 double aldehyde starch dialdehyde starch is a kind of oxide. Usually the use of periodate as oxidant. In the oxidation process, produce a few free aldehyde. The main structure of dialdehyde starch is hemiacetal hydrated semi aldehyde and intra - and inter molecular, it can be used as material for reaction with aldehyde. As a multi aldehyde polymer, dialdehyde starch can afford the cross-linking reaction with collagen amino and imino, good for tanning agent, tanning effects associated with the degree of oxidation, dialdehyde content more than 90% effect is good, can make the tanning time shortens greatly, but also has light color quality soft and washable etc.. In the process of extraction of vegetable tanning materials, starch may exist as a byproduct. Torr believes that the presence of starch to the disadvantage of tanning, tanning properties decreased after skin. And the method of separation of starch has been also studied, L.delPezzo improved the method of dialdehyde starch tanning liquid using spectrophotometric analysis. A.Simoncini research shows that: (1) masking agent of dialdehyde starch can be used as tanning liquor, and can increase the alkali resistant ability of chrome tanning agent, by masking effect of dialdehyde starch carbonylation and has stronger due to the highly ionized; (2) carbonyl dialdehyde starch, hemiacetal with chromium effect of decomposition products, at the same time, dialdehyde starch can produce further crosslinked with chromium. Double aldehyde can be used as tanning light leather production and sole leather, can reduce the other tanning agent dosage and shorten the time in the using process of tanning. The dialdehyde starch with 96% degree of oxidation of tanning on the condition of pH=10, the gas can obtain satisfactory leather, dialdehyde starch can be recycled, pretanning dialdehyde starch recovery for a sole leather, tanning properties can be improved and the rate of leather. As wet white leather with dialdehyde starch, used alone can get satisfactory effect. The dialdehyde starch with collagen response, basic groups and amino groups of collagen is the main reaction. 3 graft starch grafted starch is a kind of new material which is widely used. Its structure is based on semi rigid hydrophilic chain, as the backbone, with ethylene polymer is a branched chain. Monomer usually use with acrylic acid, acrylonitrile, acrylamide etc.. Methods can be obtained by free radical polymerization of grafted starch, can also through the Hoffman reaction or hydrolysis reaction to achieve the grafting reaction.
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