北京精细化成科技研究所, 是国内*大的双吗啉二乙基醚(DMDEE)生产商,其中国市场占有率第一。 产品质量稳定,质标已达到世界先进水平,在国内同行业具有*强的研发力量和*齐全的分析与检验手段(HPLC,NMR及GC等), 拥有由教授、高级工程师,及多名有十余年美国化工和医药界研发和生产经验的留学归国科学家等高素质人才组成的研发中心。详情请登陆www.chemproducts.com.cn。
Beijing Fine Chemicals Technology Lab.is the first and largest manufacturer of 2,2-dimorpholinodiethylether (DMDEE) in China and its market share is the top one in China. The quality of its DMDEE ranks the advanced level in the world. Led by emeritus professors, senior engineers in Chinese chemical industry and the scientists with the R&D experience in USA chemical and pharmaceutical industry, FCTL owns excellent researchers and complete analysis and test methods (HPLC,NMR,GC and so on). Please visit www.chemproducts.com.cn for more information. |